
Mortgage Prequalification

With available housing inventory at historically low levels and mortgage rate increases looming on the horizon, competition for housing is fierce in many markets across the United States. Wanting to buy their dream home before they get priced out of the market, many individuals and families are choosing now to shop for a new home. This seller’s market creates a … Read More

What is a Mortgage Prequalification & What Benefits Does it Offer?


Talk Data to Me Podcast

With available housing inventory at historically low levels and mortgage rate increases looming on the horizon, competition for housing is fierce in many markets across the United States. Wanting to buy their dream home before they get priced out of the market, many individuals and families are choosing now to shop for a new home. This seller’s market creates a … Read More

Talk Data to Me Podcast: Prequalification As a Lender’s Marketing Tool [Episode 1]


The Power of Integrating Your LOS with Certified Credit

In recent years, technology has transformed nearly every aspect of the mortgage industry. Tech-savvy mortgage solutions have allowed many lenders to enhance their operational efficiencies and seamlessly scale up their businesses. In contrast, lenders that haven’t adopted these tools are at risk of falling behind, due to disjointed, inefficient workflows and lagging origination times. If you want to succeed as … Read More

The Power of Integrating Your LOS with Certified Credit

Conference Event

Womens Networking

Leading mortgage solutions provider, Certified Credit announces sponsorship of a women’s networking event at The Mortgage Collaborative’s TMC Days, Miami Nights in Miami, Florida, a gathering of industry innovators and experts to share solutions to the current challenges and emerging threats mortgage lenders face.   Since its founding in 1984, Certified Credit has grown to be a leading provider of … Read More

Certified Credit Shows Support for Mortgage Industry Collaboration at TMC Days, Miami Nights Conference

Conference Event

Certified Credit to highlight two innovative mortgage lending tools at the 3-day ICE Experience 2022 in Las Vegas, Nevada. A nationally recognized leader in mortgage lending technology, Certified Credit seeks to provide innovative solutions to make the lending and borrowing processes more efficient while adhering to regulatory requirements. Their Cascade VOE and Cascade Alerts provide lenders with data-driven solutions to … Read More

Certified Credit Showcases New Digital Advances in Mortgage Lending Products at ICE Experience 2022


Tech Trends

Did you know that 90% of the data ever created in human history was generated in the last few years?[i] Data and technology have transformed nearly every area of our modern life. The credit reporting industry is no exception. From advanced credit scoring algorithms to cutting-edge fintech applications, the credit sphere has experienced many notable upgrades in recent years. As … Read More

7 Tech Trends Revolutionizing The Credit Reporting Space in 2022