ADV-120 Fraud Report

Don't let fraud compromise the quality of your loans. Fight back with Certified Credit's ADV-120 Fraud Report.


Fight the Fraud That Leads to Repurchase Requests

Mortgage fraud takes many forms and requires diligence to prevent. But knowing what and where to check can be overwhelming. Turn to Certified Credit. We can help you mitigate risk, reduce costly repurchase demands and enhance the health of your portfolio with our ADV120 Fraud Report.



Gain peace of mind knowing that our ADV-120 solution complies with secondary-market standards and is powered by the strongest data available in the market.

Fully Customizable

Our solution is tailored to your unique, risk-tolerance criteria.

Integrated Solution

Stop wasting time accessing multiple sites to complete your verifications. Get everything you need in one, quick, convenient report right through your LOS.

Comprehensive Verifications

Minimize risk of default or repurchase requests by instantly assessing a multitude of risks associated with the mortgage application, including borrower, employer, property, and loan participants.

See Our Fraud & Risk Solutions in Action!

From comprehensive, investor-approved ADV-120 Fraud Reports to Flex ID Smart Select Shield to Portfolio Review, our solutions not only prevent fraud at the earliest stages of the mortgage process but also protect you from unnecessary costs by verifying critical entry errors. Learn how you can benefit from our Fraud & Risk Mitigation solutions by requestion a demo with our fraud experts!


See a Demo

More Than Just a Score

At Certified Credit, we deliver more than just a score. We provide industry-leading information and analytics with the expertise and technology you can rely on to fuel your business. 

  • Credit Reports
  • Fraud & Risk Mitigation
  • Property
  • Employment Screening
  • Score Improvement Tools
  • Third-Party Verifications
  • Client Acquisition & Retention
  • Tenant Screening

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